Finish the game saving Chris and Barry using Jill.
Save Chris from confinement using Jill.
Save Barry from Lisa Trevor.
Defeat Yawn using Jill.
Obtain the Helmet Key using Jill.
Defeat a Crimson Head prototype1 using Jill.
Obtain all costumes.
Finish the game in Invisible Enemy mode.
Finish the game in Real Survival mode.
Finish the game using only your knife (no lighter, Defensive Items, and stomping zombie heads).
Finish the game without saving anyone using Chris.
Finish the game on Easy difficulty or higher.
Finish the game on Normal difficulty or higher.
Finish the game with Jill and Chris.
Finish the game on Hard difficulty.
Finish the game without saving anyone using Jill.
Finish the game using Jill.
Break into the laboratory using Jill.
Die for the first time.
Finish the game in three hours.
Finish the game in five hours.
Finish the game without saving.
Finish the game on Very Easy difficulty or higher.
Finish the game saving Rebecca and Jill using Chris.
Finish the game using Chris.
Save Jill from confinement using Chris.
Defeat Lisa Trevor using Chris.
Defeat Black Tiger.
Obtain the "Last Book Vol. 2" using Chris.
Save Rebecca from a Hunter.
Defeat a Hunter.
Defeat Plant 42 using Chris.
Defeat mother Neptune.
Obtain the Stone & Metal Object using Chris.
Survive your first encounter with Yawn.
Burn up a zombie.
Save Richard with a serum.
Defeat a Crimson Head.
Defeat a zombie.
Save Chris using Rebecca.
Save Jill using Barry.
Burn up two zombies at the same time with the lighter.
Obtain all weapons (must load grenade launcher with all shell types).
Visit all places on all maps.